The research residency program of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East is intended for research-related stays at universities and other research institutes in the Middle East. The receiving university or institute can be located in any country or area covered by the operations of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East and its Foundation. During the residency, the recipient is expected to reside in the Middle East according to their submitted research plan. The maximum duration of the research residency is 6 months. The recipient must be a Finnish national or a reseacher active in Finland. For more information, please contact the Director of the Institute. List of the former resident researchers can be found on the Finnish website.
Apply for FIMEs Research Residency in the Middle East for 2025 by 12.2.2025
The research residency program of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East is intended for research-related stays at universities and other research institutes in the Middle East. The grant recipient may use the grant to cover travel expenses, accommodation, and all other research-related and living expenses during the residency. The grant for the first month is 1600 € and for the other months 1000 €. The grant must be used during the year 2025. The receiving university or institute can be located in any country or area covered by the operations of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East and its Foundation. During the residency, the recipient is expected to reside in the Middle East according to their submitted research plan. The maximum duration of the research residency is 6 months. The recipient must be a Finnish national or a reseacher active in Finland.
Applications with required additional documents must be sent via this online form no later than February 12, 2025 at 4.00 pm. Required documents include a CV, list of publications, research plan, letter of recommendation from PhD supervisor /Principal Investigator of relevant project and a letter of invitation from the receiving institute.
For more information, please contact the Director of the Institute Susanne Dahlgren ( The Board of the Foundation of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East will select the recipient in March. A contract detailing the execution of the research residency will be signed by the recipient and the Finnish Institute in the Middle East.