The updated programme and schedule of the Colloquium

This is the updated programme and schedule of the Sixth Finnish Colloquium for Middle East and North African Studies. The colloquium is held on 9 – 10 December 2021 on Zoom.

You can see the schedule in pdf-form here.


Thursday 9.12.

Welcome words at 9.00 – 9.30

Sessions I at 9.30 – 11.00:

Study of Ancient Near East in Finland and Finnish museums
(Chair: Raija Mattila, University of Helsinki)
Studying ancient Near East: where, how and for whom (Saana Svärd, University of Helsinki)
The Study of Ancient Near East in light of Finnish museum collections (Rick Bonnie, University of Helsinki)
Egyptin loisto ja varjo – Muinainen Egypti Amos Rexin taidemuseossa (Juuli Ahola & Melanie Orenius, Amos Rex)

Foreign relations and conflicts
(Chair: Olli Ruohomäki, Finnish Institute for International Affairs)
The Sectarian Conflict and Its Negative Impacts on Peace In Yemen (Adel Dashela, The Arab Foundation for Strategic Studies)
A Struggle for Water: The Enduring Dispute between Iran and Iraq (Giorgia Perletta, Catholic University for Sacred Heart)

Distance learning and the use of technology in teacher education in Palestine
(Chair: Marianne Vivitsou, University of Helsinki)
Design, Development and Implementation of an e- learning Course: A Case Study implemented in COVID-19 Pandemic (Refa’ J Al-Ramahi, Birzeit University)
Challenges of Distance Learning – in Poor environment: Gaza as Case Study (Atta H Darwish, Al-Azhar University Gaza)
STEM teacher education program (Hazem Falah Sakeek, Al-Azhar University Gaza)
COVID-19 effect on the university education: what role can OLIVE project play? (Montaser Al-Halabi, Al-Azhar University Gaza)

Bridging theory and practice: Iranian case studies in the Finnish academia
(Chair: Susanne Dahlgren, Tampere University)
Iranian Women’s Rights Activism, Solidarity and Working Across Differences (Zahra Edalati, Tampere University)
Iran’s revolution and Sayyid Qutb (Hossein Alizadeh, Tampere University)
Politics in imagining communities: A discursive approach to authoritarianism in Iran’s modern history (Amir Barjasteh, Tampere University)
Everyday Activism: Social Media and Anthropology of the Future of Change in Iran (Majid Imani, Tampere University)

Sessions II at 11.30 – 13.00:

Female Mobility in the Ancient Near East
(Chair: Saana Svärd, University of Helsinki)
Unearthing Ancient Female Travellers (Elisa Uusimäki, Aarhus University)
Mobility as Diplomacy: The Case Study of Tabūʾa (Ellie Bennett, University of Helsinki)

Positionality of researcher in the study of the Middle East
(Chair: Sandra Nasser El-Dine, Finnish Institute in the Middle East)
Identiteettitutkimus haastaa tutkijan: tapaus irakilaistaustaiset nuoret ja historianopetus (Aino Hautsalo, University of Helsinki)
Positioning oneself in the field: the possibilities of qualitative research in the Middle Eastern Studies (Laura Menard, University of Helsinki)
Positionality and knowledge production in a securitized state of exception: researching internal displacement in Iraq (Mariette Hägglund, Finnish Institute for International Affairs)

Teacher education and school teachers’ professional development in Palestine
(Chair: Hille Janhonen-Abruquah, University of Helsinki)
Pre-service teacher education during COVId-19 times in Palestine: Current practices, Challenges and Opportunities (Ahmed Aljanazrah, Birzeit University & Hille Janhonen-Abruquah, University of Helsinki & Hanna Posti-Ahokas, University of Helsinki)
Current Professional Development Strategies for New School Principals based on the Effective Practice Incentive Community (EPIC) Model (Ahmed Fteiha, Birzeit University)
A comparison Between School Placement Before and During COVID19 in Palestine (Abdallah I Bscharat, Birzeit University)

The protest movement in Iraq: Grievances & Rights Voices
Chair: Hayder Al-Jouranj, Institute for Human Rights, Åbo Akademi
Discussants: Hanaa Edwar, Iraqi Al-Amal Association; Faris Nadhmi, Salahaddin University – Erbil

Sessions III at 14.30 – 16.00:

Grassroot forms of resistance in authoritarian contexts and against armed actors
(Chair: Susanne Dahlgren, Tampere University)
Grassroot forms of resistance in the revolutions of Tunisia, Egypt, and Sudan (Tia Kangaspunta, University of Helsinki)
Confess: extreme heavy metal music as resistance to religious authoritarianism (Pasqualina Eckerström, University of Helsinki)
Violence everywhere: Protection strategies of local councils in the Syrian war (Tiina Hyyppä, University of Helsinki)

Approaching Ancient Social Structures: The Potential of Bourdieusian Field Theory
(Chair: Jason SIlverman, University of Helsinki)
ANEE Bourdieu research: introduction (Adrienne Spunaugle, University of Helsinki)
ANEE Bourdieu research: a historical anthropology response (Emanuel Pfoh, National University of La Plata)
ANEE Bourdieu research: a Levantine archaeology response (Helen Dixon, University of East Carolina)
ANEE Bourdieu research: a political sociology response (Jason Silverman, University of Helsinki)

Addressing global challenges in the Middle East
(Chair: Taavi Sundell, Finnish Institute in the Middle East)
Assessment of Women Parliamentarians Performance in the Egyptian House of Representatives 2015 (Mariam Waheed, Cairo University)
The Impact of the virus Covid 19 on the region MENA (Haifa Hubert, ESSEC Business School)
History and future of the environment in the Gulf (Marko Halonen, University of Helsinki)

Keynote at 16.30 – 17.30:

Sectarian Neoliberalism: The Social and Political Economy of Lebanon (Rima Majed, Assistant Professor at the American University of Beirut and Resident Scholar of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East)

Friday 10.12.

Plenary at 9.00 – 11.00:

Lähi-idän tutkimus Suomessa: tutkimus, politiikka ja tutkimuksen politiikka
Chair: Anu Leinonen, FIME
Discussants: Hannu Juusola, University of Helsinki; Saana Svärd, University of Helsinki; Susanne Dahlgren, Tampere University; Karim Maiche, Tampere University
Streamed LIVE from Think Corner

Sessions IV at 11.30 – 13.00:

Archaeology and Arabic
(Chair: Raija Mattila, University of Helsinki)
Fields and capital in community archaeology – a case of Jordan (Päivi Miettunen, University of Helsinki)
Decolonizing Egyptology (Heidi Jauhiainen, University of Helsinki)
Ei-arabialaisten muslimien arabiaa vielä jälkipolvillekin (Tapani Harviainen, University of Helsinki)

Diasporic communities and flows of migration
(Chair: Sandra Nasser El-Dine, Finnish Institute in the Middle East)
Potential of the Finnish Somali Diaspora for Peacebuilding in Somalia – Diaspora Insight (Katri Olkkonen, University of Helsinki)
Lebanese Kurds and Rojava: a transnational perspective (Miriam Huovila, Foundation of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East)
Song and Lebanese Diasporic Memory in Brazil (Paola Cossermelli Messina, Columbia University)

Contemporary religious aspects in Europe and the Middle East
(Chair: Jyri Komulainen, Church Research Institute)
Representation of Christians and Jews in Contemporary Circles of Religious Knowledge in Egypt (Amira Abou-Taleb, University of Helsinki)
The Finnish pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Carolina Myrskog, Åbo Akademi)
Coexistence and conflict within complexity (Karim Maiche, Tampere University)
Transnational Currents in the Shaping of Identities of German Muslim Environmentalists (Laura Wickström, Åbo Akademi)

Sessions V at 14.30 – 16.00:

When the Middle East goes under your skin – researchers’ experiences and coping strategies with sensitive topics in their research
Chair: Tiina Hyyppä, University of Helsinki
Discussants: Tiina Järvi, Tampere University; Agneta Kallström, University of Eastern Finland; Heidi Björkman, University of Helsinki

Hilma Granqvist’s work and legacy in Palestine and in scholarship
(Chair: Pekka Lindqvist, Åbo Akademi)
“In my heart, I am always in Palestine” – the life and work of Hilma Granqvist (Sofia Häggmann, Medelhavsmuseet)
“A space of understanding”: Granqvist’s texts in Palestinian Arabic from Sociolinguistic to Folklore (Rosanna Sirignano, Universita di Napoli)
The re-appropriation of ethnographic knowledge in the mode of heritage and folklore: Hilma Granqvist’s work from the perspective of Mûsâ Sanad, founder of the Palestinian Popular Heritage Center in Artâs (Falestin Naili, Institut Francais du Proche-Orient)

Modern history encounters present politics
(Chair: Riikka Tuori, University of Helsinki)
Africa and Middle East landscape prior to WWI (Hossein Alizadeh, Tampere University)
The Erasure of Palestinian Presence in Zionist Posters in the Year 1960 (Sanabel Abdelrahman, University of Marburg)
Ideology or Pragmatism? Neo-Ottomanism and Turkey’s External Relations in the Horn of Africa (Aleksi Ylönen, United States Internation University – Africa)

The Colloquium is organized by the Finnish Institute in the Middle East (FIME) and University of Helsinki.

Published 26.11.2021, last updated 8.12.2021