23.3.2020 at 18.00-19.00, Topelia, B107, Unioninkatu 38 B, University of Helsinki. Coffee is served from 5 p.m.
Huom! Tapahtuma on peruttu. Helsingin yliopisto on päättänyt peruuttaa kaikki yleisötapahtumat koronaviruksen vuoksi.
Welcome to the interview and discussion “The crisis in Lebanon: between political failures and societal changes” with Prof. Sari Hanafi from the American University of Beirut (AUB). The discussion is led by Dr. Bruno Lefort from Tampere University.
During the last decade, Lebanon has witnessed a series of popular mobilizations, such as the You Stink! – movement in 2015. The most recent demonstrations have started this winter, following an acute economic crisis and multiple environmental disasters, in particular extensive wildfires. In the wake of these developments, a massive underlying discontent towards the present political system has arised again among the population. The current crisis in Lebanon is multidimensional in its nature. It is at the same time political, economic and societal, and has its origins in both local and global trends. The discussion offers some keys to better understand this complex situation.
Sari Hanafi is a professor of sociology and Chair of Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Media Studies at the American University of Beirut. He is the editor of Idafat: the Arab Journal of Sociology. Among his research areas are the political and economic sociology of the Palestinian diaspora and refugees and the elite formation and transitional justice.
Bruno Lefort is an Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Fellow at the Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI), Tampere University. The project title is “Existential Mobilities: Politics of belonging among young people from conflict generated diasporas in Finland and Canada”. In addition, his research areas include Middle Eastern politics and societies, diasporas, identities and collective memory.
Organizers: The Finnish Institute in the Middle East, The Friends of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East, and The University of Helsinki