Levant Letters

Image: Mirva Helenius


The Levant Letters are popular scholarly writings on the Middle East published six times a year by the Finnish Institute in the Middle East on its website. The objective and purpose of these writings is to dig underneath the layers of politics, history, culture, arts and languages of the Middle East and offer readers analysed, digested and well-thought views. Writings bring forth subjects of the past and present – all the subjects that are under the mandate of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East. The writings are united by their actuality and academic relevance. Overarching objective is to strengthen interest in, enhance understanding and deepen knowledge of the Middle East.


Levant Letters 1/2017

Tiina Järvi: Seeking better life: Palestinian refugees’ narratives on emigration

Levant Letters 2/2016

Riina Keto-Tokoi: Islam Unfettered, Control Retained: The 2012 Educational Reform in Turkey 

Levant Letters 1/2014

Ali Qleibo: Serendipity in Artas – Portrait of a Palestinian Village

Levant Letters 1/2013

Outi Korhonen: Justice Agenda in the MENA Regime Change

Levant Letters 2/2012

Juha Saarinen: Military Orientalism: Observing the East at War

Levant Letters 1/2012

Aura Lounasmaa: Women’s NGOs and the rise of political Islam in Morocco

Levant Letters 2/2011

Ari Kerkkänen: The Dilemma on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon

Levant Letters 1/2011

Pertti Multanen: The Reverse Side of Globalisation? Thoughts About the Revolutionary Movements in Arabic Countries