When the regime is gone, the citizens are safe?
FIME invites you to a panel discussion on enduring conflict in Libya, with two top experts Saana Keskitalo (CMI) and Wolfgang Müehlberger (FIIA) on Monday 10.12. at 2pm at Tieteiden talo, lecture hall 309.
Gaddafi’s removal did not result in a democratic, stable political system for the Libyans. The initial hubris of post-revolution Libya was soon followed by major challenges in the political, economic and security arenas. Indeed, the backlash of the 2011 regime change is still a defining factor: divided and weak governments, competing and increasingly fragmented armed actors, and a flourishing war economy are all parts of the current vicious cycle of conflict in Libya. MSc Saana Keskitalo sheds light on these internal dynamics.
The 2011 intervention succeeded in regime change but failed in its goal to protect the Libyans. The international response to the continuing instability has been as fragmented as the Libyan politics. Arab countries, Russia and EU countries such as France and Italy have their own security interests in Libya. MA Wolfgang Müehlberger gives background to external interventions and influences.
Ongoing instability in Libya is not only an internal humanitarian crisis but also may have far reaching implications in EU, as the instability in Libya sustains violent non-state groups and migration routes to Europe. How does EU perceive the conflict and why is the EU unable to promote a unified, effective approach? Audience is invited to discuss these questions with panelists.
The event is in English. Free admission.